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AIDFI Hands over Coca-Cola Foundation funded Project to Amin in Isabela, Negros Occidental

On April 25, AIDFI together with the Coca-Cola Foundation Philippines, Inc. (CCFPI), LGU of Isabela represented by Hon. Irene C. Montilla, and BLGU of Amin handed over the gravity water system to the community of Amin in Isabela, Negros Occidental.

Barangay Amin is one of the 30 barangays under the Municipality of Isabela with a population of 303 households, the water system managed by the Barangay Amin Farm Workers Water Association (BAFWWA) will benefit 120 households and the Barangay Amin Elementary School with 183 students, supplying 43,200 liters per day to the community to a 60,000 liter capacity reservoir tank distributed to 13 mechanical water kiosk located over the community.

Some of the beneficiaries belong to an indigenous group called the "Babaylanes". The community is located 15 kilometers from the town proper and is divided in to eight (8) sitios. Prior to the project, water is either fetched from the water spring some 2.5 kilometers from the village or delivered on tricycles charging 10.00 pesos per container. The water system funded by CCFPI and installed by AIDFI has reduced the distance to only a few meters from the houses and the cost of water by 90%.

The social preparation started on November 16, 2023 and was completed with the registration of the new community association "Barangay Amin Farm Workers Water Association (BAFWWA)" with the Department of Labor and Employment on November 23, 2023. Our Community Facilitator conducted training with the elected officers on November 28 and 29. The project installation followed on December 12, 2023 after all legalities were completed. The project was completed on April 11, 2024.

The official handover ceremony on April 25 started at 8:30am with a trek to the water reservoir, blessing, and ribbon cutting which was followed by a demonstration of the mechanical water kiosk. The official program then followed after. During the handover ceremony, our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Auke Idzenga, expressed the importance of cooperation and the role of the organization in sustaining the project. He also said that the members of the associkation should be give value and love to the officers and especially the water technicians.

The Program Manager for Environment of CCFPI, Ms. Monina Pacheco, stressed that the most significant aspect of the project is the sincerity and eagerness of the beneficiaries to perform in the bayanihan system because it is the life and culture of being a Filipino.

The program was ended with the recognition of the water technicians, handing over of certificate of conveyance, certificate of acceptance from the BLGU, and presentation of the certificate of appreciation. The certificate of conveyance was signed and accepted by the BAFWWA President, Mr. Roberto Yanson Jr. The beneficiaries and school received 150 units of water filters to ensure drinking water is clean and potable.

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